Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Triangle Theory of Success (Part 1)

My favorite thing is education, learning, and re-learning. There's so much to life to learn right? I have always talked to my closed ones about random business ideas that i have about setting up a tuition school. I described it with such visualization that I even felt that I’d really want to do it. My friends knew that’s a cool concept but felt that it might not be as practical as it sounded. But oh well, for me that was just an idea. But recently, this idea became reality. I took the initiative and action to bring this idea to reality! I registered my company and i want to do it. Check it out here! This just goes to show that many people have similar ideas and plans in their lives but some people take action while some don’t. Now, I fully understood every single element of the importance of taking action.

Success is not served on a platter. You may dream and have many ideas that you wish will come true however, if you didn’t take action, your ideas and dreams will not even have the chance to be turned into reality. And success in your life won’t even take place.

Have you taken action today? Taken a step towards your dreams, goals and success?

I hope you have. If not, you’d better start planning and taking action!

I’ve been getting a lot of questions by people who say “How does (Some succcessful person) strike a balance in mental, physical and spiritual aspects of his/her life?” and they go envying the life and the achievements of the person. Frankly, I’m also one of them. I always go on thinking how do people get it ALL? Not that I’m jealous of them (note that jealousy is a very negative affect), but I’m interested to model after them to get that perfect balance in my life too. Thus, I thought of the Triangle Theory for Success where in order to achieve success, there must be a balance between mental, physical and spiritual aspects of one’s life.

I like to think of our lives having a shape of a triangle where the 3 corners are the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of our lives. And each of these aspects have equal weightage of importance and should either one of them be lacking, there will be a tilt and the balancing of the triange will be affected. In order for you to be able to achieve success, you need to have all 3 corners in sync and be able to tap into the powers of each aspect to work to your advantage.

So, are the mental, spiritual and physical aspects of YOUR life in balance?

First, let me explain the 3 different aspects.

In my opinion, the mental aspect of life is being able to control your thoughts and feelings and obtaining and maintaining your mental well-being at its best.

How do you achieve that?

By surrounding yourself with those things that help build you as a person and being around people who are positive, optimistic and happy. Before you’d realise, you’ll adopt a similar mentality with those whom you associate or hang out with. Then start reading inspirational books and magazines to spur your spirit and ignite your desire to achieve the best in your life.

In addition, get involved in aesthetic activities such as visiting mueseums, concerts etc. and learn to take a breather from the stress of family and work and constantly recharging yourself and your energy.

Next, the physical aspect of our lives would be to lead a healthy lifestyle and have a healthy body. You need to start putting in effort to eat right and healthy and start exercising regularly to make sure that your mind and body are constantly moving to prevent ’stagnation’.

Lastly, the spiritual aspect of our lives is being able to achieve spiritual balance in whatever we do and believe in. There’s a need to ensure that we grow as a person and spiritual growth is dependent on the individuals, meaning what works for you may not work for another. Growing spiritually in depth depends on factors such as how deep your faith is, how much time are you willing to put in to seek knowledge in the area as well as your calling to your faith.

So, think about it, how much do you want to achieve success? How are you going to achieve this balance?

Whoever told you everything is easy! Remember you’ll need to put in enough time and effort in order to achieve this balance! So start working towards that today!

Now that I’ve shared with you the 3 aspects of life that are important for you to strike a balance between, in the next few posts, I will tell you how to tap into each aspect of life and fully utilise it to help you achieve the goals that you have in mind. I am sure that after striking this balance and fully making use of your talents and abilities that are uniquely yours and yours alone, you’ll be all set to achieve the greater things in life.

DRAW your triangle and plan ahead for you mental, physical and spiritual journey!

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