Sunday, May 9, 2010

Goal Setting For A More Purposeful Life

I chanced upon this article when I was searching for blog content and thought that it was a good article to really sum up how important goal setting is to guarantee not only success but also to make sure that your life has a direction which you move towards in. I have ‘italicized’ some of the main points for your easy browsing and those in parentheses are just some of my thoughts too! :D Enjoy!

If you wanted to take a trip to somewhere and you haven’t gone to that particular place before, what is the one thing that you will probably be having ? Yes, that’s right. You will probably have a map in your hand to show you exactly how to get from where you are at to where you want to go. [You need to know your destination before you can search the map for where you want to go. Likewise, it is important for you to know the eventual outcome that you are looking for before you make plans and set your goals.] This sounds like common sense but for many people out there who have not been exposed to goal setting techniques and have no idea how to properly plan a goal, they might be just as well be walking around in a circle.
A personal goal setting process is a framework that provides you a step by step procedure from assessing where you are at right now and taking you from this current point in time to forming a plan which has tasks, timeline and milestones. It provides you a guiding line every step of the way so you can refer to it at any point on your journey to reach your goals.[How true! By setting your goals, you are developing the pit stops for your progress towards success. Moreover, if you incorporate rewards at each pit stop, you'd realise that working towards your goals is not as tedious as it seems!]
Some people who are not exposed to some of the goal setting techniques most probably think its a waste of time. To these people, a goal setting plan is nothing more then a to-do list. [OH GOSH! Have i been making my goal setting plan like a to-do list?? Haha.. seems so on my blog right? Rest assured, I have a detailed goal plan! However, sometimes, we always need perseverence to stick by them!] Moreover, they have the concept that their dreams will come true if they just have a thought in their minds. If only it was that simple.Without a plan, where would an individual know if he has been slipped on his schedule or where should he reallocate more time to readjust timelines for more difficult task.
[I think this paragraph really has summed up exactly how you will be if you don't have your goals set!] If you want to reach a goal without a plan, you are akin to a ship in the middle of an ocean without an map or a compass. You are always trying to move in a certain direction, but you don’t know where you are and you don’t know if the direction you are moving will lead you to your destination.
With a well thought of plan, you can have the flexibility to make changes to any parts of the plan without affecting your entire journey to reach your goals. Some people may argue that having a plan restricts the individual in taking any opportunities that comes in the middle of their journey and reduces the spontaneity that comes with life. This is a false concept. [Oh yeah! Your goals set will actually make you more targeted and focused such that you will notice greater opportunities that might come your way to help you reach your outcomes sooner!] Having a good plan from a productive personal goal setting session not only contributes to you having more flexibility and freedom to cater for any unexpected surprises, you will also have less stress in thinking what your next step will be because you have taken the element of double guessing your actions out of the equation.
Time is precious [OH DEFINITELY.. It's so precious that nothing can buy more time!] and we only have a limited amount of time on earth. Do you want to wander aimlessly or would you prefer to be laser focused on getting results and living the best life that you deserve to live. The choice is yours. [So have you made your choice? I hope so!]

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