Sunday, May 23, 2010
Moral According To A Tourist
I received this email today and I found it really funny.
No offence to the sender with regards to what I am about to share but it’s just another way of looking at things. And especially give people a new insight as to the importance of attaining financial freedom.
So here goes….
A boat docked in a tiny Mexican fishing village.
A tourist complimented the local fishermen
on the quality of their fish and asked
how long it took him to catch them.
“Not very long.” they answered in unison.
“Why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more?”
The fishermen explained that their small catches were
sufficient to meet their needs and those of their families.
“But what do you do with the rest of your time?”
“We sleep late, fish a little, play with our children,
and take siestas with our wives.
In the evenings, we go into the village to see our friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs.
We have a full life.”
The tourist interrupted,
“I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you!
You should start by fishing longer every day.
You can then sell the extra fish you catch.
With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat.”
“And after that?”
“With the extra money the larger boat will bring,
you can buy a second one and a third one
and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers.
Instead of selling your fish to a middle man,
you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants
and maybe even open your own plant.
You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City , Los Angeles , or even New York City !
From there you can direct your huge new enterprise.”
“How long would that take?”
“Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years.” replied the tourist.
“And after that?”
“Afterwards? Well my friend, that’s when it gets really interesting, ” answered the tourist, laughing. “When your business gets really big, you can start buying and selling stocks and make millions!”
“Millions? Really? And after that?” asked the fishermen.
“After that you’ll be able to retire,
live in a tiny village near the coast,
sleep late, play with your children,
catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife
and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends.”
“With all due respect sir, but that’s exactly what we are doing now. So what’s the point wasting twenty-five years?” asked the Mexicans.
And the moral of this story is supposedly:
Know where you’re going in life….
you may already be there.
Now let me tell you the real moral of this story:
There is a missing part to the story. If you continued doing what you are doing, at the end of 25years, you are still working every single day to get your small catches of fish to feed your family and children. Perhaps you might even have to rely on your children to get the small catches of fish.
But if you established your corporation with the idea that the tourist presented, at the end of 25 years, you will not have to lift a finger to ensure that your catches of fish feed your family and children. In fact, you can even rest assured that you have enough to feed your children’s children over the many years to come.
Now, which one sounds better as a retirement plan?
Sunday, May 9, 2010
10 Ways To Achieve Your Goals
We all have goals and resolutions and why is it that often, we don’t seem to be able to achieve them? Well, you have to ask yourself first, whose goals are you setting? Are they yours or are they developed because of other people’s expectations and hopes of you?
If you find the goal dreadful and you experience fear or anxiety, then it’s obviously not what you want! And it’s a goal of someone else. If that’s the case, why are you still hanging on it it? You have to get rid of it because it will just hinder your future successes and progress!
After you have thought of your goals, you need to commit yourself to your goals. And with this 10 steps, you can be sure that you will be more committed and more motivated to work towards your goals!
1. Write them down!
>> Statistics show people who write down their goals have over an 80% success rate of achieving them! Write the goals in your notebook, on the wall, in fact, anywhere! You can even start a goals journal. These goals have to be specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented and time-limited!
- Specific: Describe every single detail of the goal
- Measurable: You have to be able to measure your progress. Be it through charting your improvement to getting someone to examine your progress!
- Achievable: You will need to set realistic goals and not those that are of your fantasies.
- Results-Oriented: What’s the point of working towards a goal if you are not expecting anything out of it?
- Time-limited: Time yourself. Make sure that you don’t procrastinate in achieving your goals.
>> You can do so with timelines where you can chart your progress and also take note of how much you want to progress with each day. Do remember to review your plan monthly to see its effectiveness.
3. Write down your motivating reason(s)/ driving factor for wanting the goal.
>> Write it with such passion, feeling, and energy that it makes it sooo clear why getting the goal is important to you. These reasons will keep you focused on what you want to achieve and also on how much time and effort you are going to put in everyday to achieve the results you want.
4. Create 3 to 5 positive motivating statements that will keep you on track.
>> These motivating statements will excite you and keep you motivated. Always remember to use the present tense! As for me, mine’s “Do or Do Not, There is No Try!” Always repeat these statements to yourself when you are feeling down or demoralised. Because they have to ability to perk you up and energise you!
5. Visualize what it is like to have achieved your goal.
>> By visualizing it, you are living it, tasting it, feeling it, smelling it, seeing it, reveling in it! Think about how you will feel on achieving the goal. How others will think of you and the ability that you have to accomplish more!
6. Start a daily routine.
>> Start each day by reviewing your goals and your progress. Remind yourself of your driving factor and also charge yourself by repeating your motivating statements. Then, picture yourself achieving the goal and finally obtaining it! Make your goal a priority and write down the things you can do in the day to be closer to your goal.
7. Remove all negative self-talk/beliefs
>> You are the creator of your thoughts and beliefs, and you should choose ones that are beneficial and can motivate you rather than those that serve to demoralise you. Always think positive!
8. Record down your thoughts, emotions, difficulties etc. daily
>> Always take note of your thoughts, emotions, barriers, possible solutions/alternatives, daily successes, gratitudes. Because at the end of the day, it serves to show you how much you have progressed and also serves to be a record of your solutions, alternatives and successes.
9. Find like-minded people who are able to support you!
>> Build up peer support. Find a buddy, join a group, hire a coach. These people are to be in tune with your goal, and are able to support you in a positive way. They will have the ability to motivate you when you lose sight of what you want to achieve!
10. Celebrate your successes!
>> Set up small milestones in your journey, and when you reach them, celebrate! It’s important to always reward yourself for the effort and time you put in to reach each point. And rewarding yourself serves as a source of motivation to pushing you forward to achieving even more!
Here’s To Our Success~!
Goal Setting For A More Purposeful Life
I chanced upon this article when I was searching for blog content and thought that it was a good article to really sum up how important goal setting is to guarantee not only success but also to make sure that your life has a direction which you move towards in. I have ‘italicized’ some of the main points for your easy browsing and those in parentheses are just some of my thoughts too! Enjoy!
If you wanted to take a trip to somewhere and you haven’t gone to that particular place before, what is the one thing that you will probably be having ? Yes, that’s right. You will probably have a map in your hand to show you exactly how to get from where you are at to where you want to go. [You need to know your destination before you can search the map for where you want to go. Likewise, it is important for you to know the eventual outcome that you are looking for before you make plans and set your goals.] This sounds like common sense but for many people out there who have not been exposed to goal setting techniques and have no idea how to properly plan a goal, they might be just as well be walking around in a circle.
A personal goal setting process is a framework that provides you a step by step procedure from assessing where you are at right now and taking you from this current point in time to forming a plan which has tasks, timeline and milestones. It provides you a guiding line every step of the way so you can refer to it at any point on your journey to reach your goals.[How true! By setting your goals, you are developing the pit stops for your progress towards success. Moreover, if you incorporate rewards at each pit stop, you'd realise that working towards your goals is not as tedious as it seems!]
Some people who are not exposed to some of the goal setting techniques most probably think its a waste of time. To these people, a goal setting plan is nothing more then a to-do list. [OH GOSH! Have i been making my goal setting plan like a to-do list?? Haha.. seems so on my blog right? Rest assured, I have a detailed goal plan! However, sometimes, we always need perseverence to stick by them!] Moreover, they have the concept that their dreams will come true if they just have a thought in their minds. If only it was that simple.Without a plan, where would an individual know if he has been slipped on his schedule or where should he reallocate more time to readjust timelines for more difficult task.
[I think this paragraph really has summed up exactly how you will be if you don't have your goals set!] If you want to reach a goal without a plan, you are akin to a ship in the middle of an ocean without an map or a compass. You are always trying to move in a certain direction, but you don’t know where you are and you don’t know if the direction you are moving will lead you to your destination.
With a well thought of plan, you can have the flexibility to make changes to any parts of the plan without affecting your entire journey to reach your goals. Some people may argue that having a plan restricts the individual in taking any opportunities that comes in the middle of their journey and reduces the spontaneity that comes with life. This is a false concept. [Oh yeah! Your goals set will actually make you more targeted and focused such that you will notice greater opportunities that might come your way to help you reach your outcomes sooner!] Having a good plan from a productive personal goal setting session not only contributes to you having more flexibility and freedom to cater for any unexpected surprises, you will also have less stress in thinking what your next step will be because you have taken the element of double guessing your actions out of the equation.
Time is precious [OH DEFINITELY.. It's so precious that nothing can buy more time!] and we only have a limited amount of time on earth. Do you want to wander aimlessly or would you prefer to be laser focused on getting results and living the best life that you deserve to live. The choice is yours. [So have you made your choice? I hope so!]
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The Triangle Theory of Success (Part 3) !
Dear fellow readers,’s back to my 3 part series on the Triangle Theory of Success which I feel has benefited me in a great way in achieving that balance that I want in life and this balance empowers me with confidence and faith to achieve even greater things.
If you are constantly wondering and envying that featured person in the newspaper (a successful businessman, artist, celebrity, designer, writer etc.. the list goes on), well, frankly you are not the only person who feels that way. You are just wondering “How in the world could they have done/achieved that?” Frankly, I’m one of them.. I always envy those who seem to have achieved success ‘without much effort’, when in fact, the media always creates a rosy picture and not really on the hard work that was put into it.. I know too many cases of such.
Let me tell you, it’s achievable by people like you and me. The success and breakthroughs that you are looking for in life, are accessible by you but it’s a matter of whether you want to push yourself out of the comfort zone to get to it. I know my journey has been rather a sort of “internal battle of ‘what ifs’ and ‘just do its’”. But to me, the Triangle Theory of Success has been some sort of a revelation to me because upon achieving balance in the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of my life.
Do check out my earlier posts, Post 1and Post 2 on more on the Triangle Theory.
Now, in this post, I’m concentrating on the physical aspect of our lives, which mainly comprise of leading a healthy lifestyle and have a healthy body. Why are they important?
Without a health lifestyle, you won’t have a healthy body and without a healthy body, you are unfit to pursue the things that you want to because you just can’t meet the physical demands of the task. Moreover, a lot of people say, “Money can’t buy health” which is partially true because you may have all the money in the world to pay for treatment etc., but if your health is already in a bad state, money can just buy you more extra time to be alive, but not prolong your health. Sad but true.
Achieving the best of the physical aspect of our lives is not as easy as it seems. Sometimes, we are always tempted to do things that are contrary to living healthily such as snacking on fatty foods like cakes, sodas, fried chicken etc. We may be addicted to smoking or bingeing, which are maladaptive health behaviors (hehee! i hope my health psychology professor would be proud to see i’m blogging about this.:P) It’s a daily decision to choose to do the ‘healthy’ or the ‘unhealthy’ things in life.
It’s not only just the food that comprises our lifestyle but also the activities that we carry out on a daily basis. For instance, are we couch potatoes who sit in front of the TV all day? Or are we actively working out? A simple activity would be to choose to walk 15mins from place A to get to place B instead of taking the public transport or car.
You need to start a exercise and diet regimen that will keep you not only on your toes but maintain your optimum health. It’s good to start with a non-ambitious plan of working out 1-2times a week for at least 30-45mins to a more routine plan of working out at least 20-30mins a day.
The activities that I do implement:
1. Brisk Walking
2. Jogging
3. Swimming
4. Playing Ball Sports i.e. Basketball
It’s all about making the first step towards a healthy lifestyle! As for your diet regimen, it’s good to eat more vegetables and fruits and drink more fluids (fluids meaning water, juices etc. and not sodas!!).
An example of my day’s meals:
Breakfast: 1 glass of water, a bowl of muesli with non-fat milk
Lunch: Seafood beehoon soup with barley water, an apple
Dinner: 2 Vegetables and 1 meat side-dishes with brown rice and a bowl of soup.
It’s better to have proper meals in a day rather than starve in a bid to diet. Also,you need to start putting in effort to eat right and healty whenever you go out to the restaurants or eat out at the food centres. Start exercising regularly too. Find it difficult and need motivation? Involve friends as well to get them to work out together with you or join you in your activities!
Maintaining such a healthy lifestyle and body just helps to make sure that your mind and body are constantly moving and on the go. Moreover, you would also feel that you’ll have more energy each day and can be able to move forward with ease. Plus, exercising releases hormones that produces a ‘feel-good’ and destressing feeling.. It does help in maintaining the mental aspect of your life! So start making a change in your life today!
In my next blog post for this series, I’ll be touching on the spiritual aspect. So do drop by for more!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Triangle Theory of Success (Part 2)--- Mental
Today, I’m going to continue to share with you about the Triangle Theory for Success.
It is very important for you to know how to tap into each aspect of life and fully utilise it to help you achieve the goals that you have in mind. The first corner that I’ll be touching on in this post today, is the Mental aspect.
The mental aspect of the Triangle theory is targeting the optimum capacity and functioning of your mind such that you are able to control your thoughts and feelings as well as obtain and maintain your mental well-being at its very best.
And Why is this so important?
Our minds control the functioning of our body, heart and spirit such that whatever we believe in, think and cognitively process and evaluate will influence our actions, behaviors, values, beliefs and spirit. We are always affected by the way our minds think. Whether we look at a situation as afailure or an opportunity, all results from the way we process the information that we have in our minds. And how we evaluate the situation may just open or close the door to our success.
In order to attain success, it is always good to model after those who have attained success in their lives. So, look at all the successful people out there – Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey etc.. Frankly, if there’s a common thing about them, it is the way they think. They are always very positive and able to turn situations around whenever the circumstances call for them. Think they got their success overnight? No! They are also human beings who have experienced bouts of failures but at the same time, have been able to re-evaluate and process information and jump at opportunities that appear before them.
Successful people always occupy themselves with positive energies and do not let stress, failures and negative feedback weigh them down. This is something that I am most impressed about them. Their resilience as well as ability to reappraise negative situations and be able to change the way they react and adapt to their environments immediately, are what keeps them going on their pursuit of success.
Thus, when you enhance the mental aspect of your life, you’ll be able to rebounce back from failures, see failures as opportunities and regard threats as challenges. You will look at things differently and will think out of the box or creatively. In fact, when you are able to reappraise things differently, you might come up with fascinating ideas which can help you achieve success earlier.
So, how do you achieve that same tenure and ability? How do you enhance the mental aspect of your life?
Firstly, you need to surround yourself with things that help build you as a person. They can be people, working environments and even the things you read. Look at the people around you – are they people who are positive, optimistic and happy? Remember ”Birds of the same kind flock together”, hence if you feel that you are not in a group that is as charged and motivated as you wish it to be, this might be a factor of hindering your drive towards success.
Now, I’m not asking you to stop hanging around with the group you are currently with. I’m asking you to find people who are able to build you to become an even better person. Find a mentor or find a friend who is driven towards success as much as you are. Before you’d realise, you’ll be attracting a lot of other people who are equally driven naturally to you. Those whom you associate or hang out with really can impact the way you think, feel, act and behave. So, you want to be successful? One good way will be to try hanging out with successful people.
Next, make sure that the environment you are working in allows you to function optimally in the mental aspect. Make sure that you are in an environment that is challenging you to pursue even greater results and goals. You have to be always on the go in order to keep alert of the situations and opportunities around you. If your environment is not stimulating, you might find yourself just losing all creativity, interest, ideas and dreams.
One good habit that you might like to start on is by reading inspirational books and magazines to spur your spirit. There are many in the market and in fact, there are many free ones online. Reading such books will ignite your desire to achieve the best in your life and you need to make sure that you continually feed on positive and inspirational material in order to keep your dreams and goals towards success alive. Success does not always happen overnight. Sometimes you get disappointed with your progress and it’s always good to have something to trigger your drive again.
Before I forget, always remember to let your mind breathe. The mental aspect of your life not only needs to be charged but at the same time, it also needs to recharge. Find activities that enhance your mental wellbeing such as going out with friends, going for concerts, exercising etc. You will find that doing so can help you destress and be able to cope better with the demands of the work towards success. Overwhelming yourself will only serve to decrease your abilities in concentration and idea generation which might hinder you from achieving success earlier.
I hope that you have benefited from this post on the mental aspect of the Triangle Theory and how it is important to enhance it to achieve success and as well as the steps to do so. There’s nothing I’d like more than you actually applying it in your life and seeing the results from doing so. Like I said, success does not always happen overnight. So do be patient when adopting the ways to enhance the mental aspect because your success in doing so might take some time before you’ll begin to see the fruits of your labour.
Hey guys, thanks for reading our blog today!
Have a great day ahead!
It is very important for you to know how to tap into each aspect of life and fully utilise it to help you achieve the goals that you have in mind. The first corner that I’ll be touching on in this post today, is the Mental aspect.
The mental aspect of the Triangle theory is targeting the optimum capacity and functioning of your mind such that you are able to control your thoughts and feelings as well as obtain and maintain your mental well-being at its very best.
And Why is this so important?
Our minds control the functioning of our body, heart and spirit such that whatever we believe in, think and cognitively process and evaluate will influence our actions, behaviors, values, beliefs and spirit. We are always affected by the way our minds think. Whether we look at a situation as a
In order to attain success, it is always good to model after those who have attained success in their lives. So, look at all the successful people out there – Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey etc.. Frankly, if there’s a common thing about them, it is the way they think. They are always very positive and able to turn situations around whenever the circumstances call for them. Think they got their success overnight? No! They are also human beings who have experienced bouts of failures but at the same time, have been able to re-evaluate and process information and jump at opportunities that appear before them.
Successful people always occupy themselves with positive energies and do not let stress, failures and negative feedback weigh them down. This is something that I am most impressed about them. Their resilience as well as ability to reappraise negative situations and be able to change the way they react and adapt to their environments immediately, are what keeps them going on their pursuit of success.
Thus, when you enhance the mental aspect of your life, you’ll be able to rebounce back from failures, see failures as opportunities and regard threats as challenges. You will look at things differently and will think out of the box or creatively. In fact, when you are able to reappraise things differently, you might come up with fascinating ideas which can help you achieve success earlier.
So, how do you achieve that same tenure and ability? How do you enhance the mental aspect of your life?
Firstly, you need to surround yourself with things that help build you as a person. They can be people, working environments and even the things you read. Look at the people around you – are they people who are positive, optimistic and happy? Remember ”Birds of the same kind flock together”, hence if you feel that you are not in a group that is as charged and motivated as you wish it to be, this might be a factor of hindering your drive towards success.
Now, I’m not asking you to stop hanging around with the group you are currently with. I’m asking you to find people who are able to build you to become an even better person. Find a mentor or find a friend who is driven towards success as much as you are. Before you’d realise, you’ll be attracting a lot of other people who are equally driven naturally to you. Those whom you associate or hang out with really can impact the way you think, feel, act and behave. So, you want to be successful? One good way will be to try hanging out with successful people.
Next, make sure that the environment you are working in allows you to function optimally in the mental aspect. Make sure that you are in an environment that is challenging you to pursue even greater results and goals. You have to be always on the go in order to keep alert of the situations and opportunities around you. If your environment is not stimulating, you might find yourself just losing all creativity, interest, ideas and dreams.
One good habit that you might like to start on is by reading inspirational books and magazines to spur your spirit. There are many in the market and in fact, there are many free ones online. Reading such books will ignite your desire to achieve the best in your life and you need to make sure that you continually feed on positive and inspirational material in order to keep your dreams and goals towards success alive. Success does not always happen overnight. Sometimes you get disappointed with your progress and it’s always good to have something to trigger your drive again.
Before I forget, always remember to let your mind breathe. The mental aspect of your life not only needs to be charged but at the same time, it also needs to recharge. Find activities that enhance your mental wellbeing such as going out with friends, going for concerts, exercising etc. You will find that doing so can help you destress and be able to cope better with the demands of the work towards success. Overwhelming yourself will only serve to decrease your abilities in concentration and idea generation which might hinder you from achieving success earlier.
I hope that you have benefited from this post on the mental aspect of the Triangle Theory and how it is important to enhance it to achieve success and as well as the steps to do so. There’s nothing I’d like more than you actually applying it in your life and seeing the results from doing so. Like I said, success does not always happen overnight. So do be patient when adopting the ways to enhance the mental aspect because your success in doing so might take some time before you’ll begin to see the fruits of your labour.
Hey guys, thanks for reading our blog today!
Have a great day ahead!
The Triangle Theory of Success (Part 1)
My favorite thing is education, learning, and re-learning. There's so much to life to learn right? I have always talked to my closed ones about random business ideas that i have about setting up a tuition school. I described it with such visualization that I even felt that I’d really want to do it. My friends knew that’s a cool concept but felt that it might not be as practical as it sounded. But oh well, for me that was just an idea. But recently, this idea became reality. I took the initiative and action to bring this idea to reality! I registered my company and i want to do it. Check it out here! This just goes to show that many people have similar ideas and plans in their lives but some people take action while some don’t. Now, I fully understood every single element of the importance of taking action.
Success is not served on a platter. You may dream and have many ideas that you wish will come true however, if you didn’t take action, your ideas and dreams will not even have the chance to be turned into reality. And success in your life won’t even take place.
Have you taken action today? Taken a step towards your dreams, goals and success?
I hope you have. If not, you’d better start planning and taking action!
I’ve been getting a lot of questions by people who say “How does (Some succcessful person) strike a balance in mental, physical and spiritual aspects of his/her life?” and they go envying the life and the achievements of the person. Frankly, I’m also one of them. I always go on thinking how do people get it ALL? Not that I’m jealous of them (note that jealousy is a very negative affect), but I’m interested to model after them to get that perfect balance in my life too. Thus, I thought of the Triangle Theory for Success where in order to achieve success, there must be a balance between mental, physical and spiritual aspects of one’s life.
I like to think of our lives having a shape of a triangle where the 3 corners are the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of our lives. And each of these aspects have equal weightage of importance and should either one of them be lacking, there will be a tilt and the balancing of the triange will be affected. In order for you to be able to achieve success, you need to have all 3 corners in sync and be able to tap into the powers of each aspect to work to your advantage.
So, are the mental, spiritual and physical aspects of YOUR life in balance?
First, let me explain the 3 different aspects.
In my opinion, the mental aspect of life is being able to control your thoughts and feelings and obtaining and maintaining your mental well-being at its best.
How do you achieve that?
By surrounding yourself with those things that help build you as a person and being around people who are positive, optimistic and happy. Before you’d realise, you’ll adopt a similar mentality with those whom you associate or hang out with. Then start reading inspirational books and magazines to spur your spirit and ignite your desire to achieve the best in your life.
In addition, get involved in aesthetic activities such as visiting mueseums, concerts etc. and learn to take a breather from the stress of family and work and constantly recharging yourself and your energy.
Next, the physical aspect of our lives would be to lead a healthy lifestyle and have a healthy body. You need to start putting in effort to eat right and healthy and start exercising regularly to make sure that your mind and body are constantly moving to prevent ’stagnation’.
Lastly, the spiritual aspect of our lives is being able to achieve spiritual balance in whatever we do and believe in. There’s a need to ensure that we grow as a person and spiritual growth is dependent on the individuals, meaning what works for you may not work for another. Growing spiritually in depth depends on factors such as how deep your faith is, how much time are you willing to put in to seek knowledge in the area as well as your calling to your faith.
So, think about it, how much do you want to achieve success? How are you going to achieve this balance?
Whoever told you everything is easy! Remember you’ll need to put in enough time and effort in order to achieve this balance! So start working towards that today!
Now that I’ve shared with you the 3 aspects of life that are important for you to strike a balance between, in the next few posts, I will tell you how to tap into each aspect of life and fully utilise it to help you achieve the goals that you have in mind. I am sure that after striking this balance and fully making use of your talents and abilities that are uniquely yours and yours alone, you’ll be all set to achieve the greater things in life.
DRAW your triangle and plan ahead for you mental, physical and spiritual journey!
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We Provide Tuition for All levels, Subjects and Areas:
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We are a tuition school that provides private tutors for any subject at all levels.
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If you are a parent looking for a tutor, or a tutor looking for students,
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